
[義大利三級] 修女禁戀系列之2~修女鏡 [中文字幕] 【影片片名】:修女禁戀系列之2~修女鏡 [中文字幕] 【影片原名】:Storia di una monaca di clausura (1973) 【影片又名】:幽禁修道院/修女傳/修女禁/ Story of a Cloistered Nun. 【影片譯名】: DER NONNEN SPIEGEL. 【平均評價】:★★★★★★☆→5.6 顆星. (IMDb評價) 【影片大小】:1.22 GB 【影片時間】:01:36:52 (完整版) 【影片格式】:AVI (D9→轉制AVI) 【影片尺度】:三級 (X-Rated) 【視頻效果】:900X504 (清晰版) 【主演演員】:Catherine Spaak / Suzy Kendall / Eleonora Giorgi / Martine Brochard / Ann Odessa / Antonio Falsi / Umberto Orsini / Tino Carraro / Konrad Georg / Isabelle Marchall / Caterina Boratto / Giuliana Calandra / CClara Colosimo / Rina Franchetti / Luigi Antonio Guerra. 【檔案數目】:1個AVI+14個圖片群 (種子內有圖) 【語種發音】:英語發音. 簡體中文字幕. 【影片內容】:古裝.成人.劇情.情色.瀆褻.偷情.淫亂.愛情.背德. 等. 【影片片商】:Production Co: Produzioni Atlas Consorziate (P.A.C.) 【回覆附註】:※不喜此類型者請自律, 請勿回覆損人不利己的無聊言詞!! 【種子期限】:完30種後5天內不定期補種 (3週後刪檔) 【劇情簡介】: 米拉在很小的時分就為了宗族的興隆被爸爸媽媽給定了婚事,但秀麗的卡米拉在成年後愛上了他人,因為她對宗族的不忠,被爸爸媽媽送到了修道院被逼做了修女,秀麗的卡米拉不甘忍耐修道院少私寡欲的非人生活曾多次偷情,為了自在和愛情她付出很大的代價了,遭受了多少次肉體的折磨和羞辱....… 【Storyline】: A woman who was promised to a powerful family"s son at birth falls in love with another man, refuses to renounce him, and is sent to a nunnery by her shocked parents. Once there, she first undergoes degradation to acclimatize her to convent life; then she experiences rampant lesbianism by the repressed nuns, and becomes pregnant by her lover. Finally, her refusal to accede to one nun"s lascivious lesbian advances leads to plotting and treachery, and her lover being murdered out of jealousy. Her life now ruined, she further scandalises her family by refusing to take her vows, and leaves the convent, devoting her existence to those in need. Claims to be based on a true story ! 【內容實際截圖】:※以下係本人組合圖組, 因需經壓縮圖檔, 所以實際影片內容畫面, 比截圖更清晰優質.※